Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Cynthia

This is Marie, Alina's mom. We had the special luncheon for the senior ladies today, and it was beautiful. For those of you who do not know, last year Cynthia Karim and Michelle Andrade made a connection with two of the senior ladies from the community and have done some thoughtful things for them throughout the year. Today was our chance to do something for forty women who are often forgotten. After serving them lunch, Margarita (Alina's grandmother) gave each of the ladies a red flower, followed by our FCS team presenting each of them with a gift bag. We took several group pictures and they showered many of us with hugs, kisses, and wishes that El SeƱor would bless us. Cynthia, you were missed...but sweetly remembered today.

The other picture was just too cute not to post. After lunch, one of the activities was giving the little girls manicures. This is Alina with one beautiful, happy three-year-old! Is that a precious little face, or what?


  1. Hey Alina i bet that little girl really enjoyed her nails being painted!! soo Cute!
    ~Erica <3

  2. Thank you for the sweet sweet card & words. I really do wish I was there with them and all of you. I WILL see them again.
    Alina, I remember sitting in those small plastic chairs finger painting. Omgh....nails that was a great idea!
    Gods continued blessings to all the Mota Family & u young missionaries.

  3. How sweet is the thank you card for Cynthia?! It just goes to show that connections of the heart are not confined by miles or national borders.
    Mr G
