Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Few More Pics from Day One

The Internet speed here in the DR is precariously slow so I got up before breakfast and added a few more pics from yesterday. Off to breakfast and a new day...look for a recap of Day Two with more pics later tonight!


  1. u guys r amazing!! keep doing what u r doing!! <3 u all!
    ~erica <3

  2. It is great to see the kids being the hands and feet of Jesus. Enjoy your day as you walk with the Lord.
    Howard and Terri

  3. We can't wait to hear more stories and see more pics...Keep up the great work!! God Bless all of you..
    Miss you and love you Cortney!!
    Love Mom, Dad and Sissy

  4. hey it is erica! it is LIGHTS ON HERE! and almost LIGHTS ON THERE!(cortney will know what i am saying) <3 u all!

  5. DR Krew,
    I was just searching things and i stubbled upon this verse that states EXACTLY what you are doing, "...I taught you to remember the words of Jesus. He said,"It is more blesses to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
    This verse is what u do to these needy children! We are all very proud of you!! Keep up the amazing work! <3 you all!
    ~Erica <3

  6. btw Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, Grace is soooooo adorable!! hahaha! she is very photogenic!
    ~Erica <3
